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Glasshouse Country Bowls Club Tuesday Weekly Open 2 Bowl Triples
15/03/2022 @ 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
- Commences March 15th
- Be at club by 1.00 pm
- $15 per player
- Self Select 1 game of 21 ends or bell after 2 hours
- Scoring: Margins, Ends(1 Point) score all added together.
- Top 2 scores then have a 5 end shootout to determine the winner
- Prize money winning team $120, runner up
- Raffles on the day
- Visitors Welcome
- Text or Phone entries to Peter Bousen at 0493-149045
- Please try and enter your teams by Sunday Night
- If fewer than 8 teams per week the event will be cancelled for the week